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  • Kauv raj ua tshuab (5-109 mesh siv)

    Kauv raj ua tshuab (5-109 mesh siv)

    Lub tshuab no tsuas yog siv los ua cov nets sab hauv thiab sab nraud ntawm cov khoom lim.Nws tuaj yeem coiled nyob rau hauv txoj kev kauv curling thiab tuaj yeem coiled nyob rau hauv ob txoj kev: punched net siv thiab kos net siv.Txoj siv dav dav yog 109mm thiab yuav tsum tau txuas nrog lub twj tso kua mis lossis cua compressor.

    Yuav kho lub kaum sab xis thiab txiav (tsis tas yuav hloov pwm)

  • Txoj kab uas hla:80-450 hli
  • Net dav:109mm ib
  • Net thickness:0.5-0.8 hli
  • Yam tsawg kawg ntawm qhov ntev ntawm yob net:170 hli
  • Muaj peev xwm ntau lawm:54m / min
  • Tag nrho lub zog:4 KW
  • Cua siab:0.6MPa siab
  • Fais fab mov:220V / 50HZ
  • Khoom hnyav:900 KGS
  • Qhov Loj:1400 * 1200 * 1780 hli
  • Teb hom cua lim ntawv folding tshuab (6-700)

    Teb hom cua lim ntawv folding tshuab (6-700)

    Nruas-hom cua lim folding tshuab 700 qauv: Lub tshuab no muaj cov haujlwm ntawm cov ntawv tsis siv neeg pub mis, pneumatic txiav, suav, humidifying, preheating, tshem tawm folding, tsis siv neeg sau thiab hloov, saw kis tau tus mob, cua sov thiab shaping los ua daim ntawv hauv ib mus.

    Tsis siv neeg kho qhov nro, tuaj yeem kho cov kev taw qhia ntawm qhov tau txais rub, thiab kho qhov kev ncua deb thiab qhov siab.

  • Ua hauj lwm ceev:120m / min
  • Ntawv dav:100-700 hli
  • Roller specifications:tuaj yeem kho tau
  • Folding qhov siab:22mm-72 hli
  • Kev tswj qhov kub thiab txias:0-190 ℃
  • Tag nrho lub zog:18 kWm
  • Cua siab:0.6 Mpa
  • Fais fab mov:380V / 50HZ
  • Qhov Loj:2880mm * 1350mm * 1750mm (900KGS) 2480mm * 1350mm * 2050mm (1420KGS)
  • :
  • Teb hom cua lim folding tshuab (JR-ZZ-5-700)

    Teb hom cua lim folding tshuab (JR-ZZ-5-700)

    Drum-type air filter folding paper machine Model 700: Lub tshuab no muaj cov haujlwm xws li kev pub mis tsis siv neeg, pneumatic txiav, suav, humidifying, preheating, tsis siv neeg winding, saw conveyor, cua sov thiab shaping, kom cov ntawv tuaj yeem tsim ib zaug.

  • Ua hauj lwm ceev:75m / min
  • Origami dav:100-700 hli
  • Roller specifications:tuaj yeem kho tau
  • Folding qhov siab:22-72 hli
  • Kev tswj qhov kub thiab txias:0-190 ℃
  • Tag nrho lub zog:15 KW
  • Cua siab:0.6 Mpa
  • Fais fab mov:380V / 50HZ
  • Qhov Loj:2400mm * 1300mm * 1400mm (800KGS) 1850mm * 1300mm * 1300mm (1025KGS)
  • Tsis siv neeg cua lim ntawv sau tshuab (1000)

    Tsis siv neeg cua lim ntawv sau tshuab (1000)

    Nruab rau ntawm qhov kawg ntawm lub tshuab folding, nws yog siv los muab kauv coil daim ntawv lim thiab thauj mus rau hauv lub vas hauv ib qho mus.

  • Ua haujlwm txoj kab uas hla:230mm-350mm
  • Production efficiency:2 pcs / min
  • Qhov siab:380-1000 hli
  • Cua siab:0.6 Mpa
  • Fais fab mov:380V / 50HZ
  • Qhov Loj:2100mm * 2050mm * 1450mm (530KGS) 1600mm * 650mm * 1850mm (240KGS)
  • Sab hauv tub ntxhais lim ntawv folding tshuab (JR -NX-5)

    Sab hauv tub ntxhais lim ntawv folding tshuab (JR -NX-5)

    Inner core folding tshuab: feem ntau muaj kev txiav, humidifying, sab sauv thiab qis cua sov thiab shaping, adjustable ceev, suav, kos kab thiab lwm yam dej num.Nws yog tsuas yog siv rau folding cov ntaub ntawv tseem ceeb ntawm lub tsheb loj cua lim.

  • Ua hauj lwm ceev:15-30m / min
  • Ntawv dav:100-590 hli
  • Folding qhov siab:9-25 hli
  • Roller specifications:tuaj yeem kho tau
  • Kev tswj qhov kub thiab txias:0-190 ℃
  • Tag nrho lub zog:8 kWm
  • Cua siab:0.6MPa siab
  • Fais fab mov:380V / 50HZ
  • Khoom hnyav:450 KGS
  • Qhov Loj:3300mm * 1000mm * 1100mm
  • Rubber pad bonding tshuab

    Rubber pad bonding tshuab

    Siv los tuav lub nplhaib sealing ntawm lub hau hlau, nrog ob qhov chaw nres tsheb, kev ua haujlwm siab, kev ua haujlwm yooj yim (yuav tsum tau txuas nrog lub twj tso kua mis lossis cua compressor).

  • Fais fab mov:220V / 50Hz
  • Khoom hnyav:130 KGS
  • Qhov Loj:1000 * 700 * 1000 hli
  • PU kua nplaum txhaj tshuab nrog ib qho chaw nres tsheb

    PU kua nplaum txhaj tshuab nrog ib qho chaw nres tsheb

    Lub tshuab txhaj tshuaj kua nplaum no muaj lub luag haujlwm ntawm kev pub mis tsis siv neeg, nws tus kheej ncig, thiab tsis siv neeg cua sov.Nws muaj peb lub tank raw khoom thiab ib lub tank tu, tag nrho ua los ntawm 3 hli tuab stainless hlau.Lub taub hau kua nplaum tuaj yeem txav mus rau qhov sib npaug thiab muaj lub cim xeeb built-in.Nws tuaj yeem sau ntau tshaj 2000 pwm kua nplaum hnyav.Nws muaj kev ua haujlwm siab ntau lawm, kev ua haujlwm yooj yim thiab txhim khu kev qha, cov kua nplaum raug tso tawm, ruaj khov thiab ruaj khov.

  • Qhov siab tshaj plaws ua haujlwm txoj kab uas hla:400 hli
  • Kev tswj qhov kub thiab txias:0-190 ℃
  • Glue tso zis:Yog '- 15-50 g
  • Tag nrho lub zog:30 KW
  • Cua siab:0.6MPa siab
  • Fais fab mov:380V / 50HZ
  • Khoom hnyav:950 KGS
  • Qhov Loj:1700mm * 1700mm * 1900mm
  • End cover kua nplaum txhaj tshuab

    End cover kua nplaum txhaj tshuab

    Lub tshuab ua kua nplaum no tuaj yeem nruab nrog ntau hom kua nplaum sib txawv xws li 1: 5, 1: 8, 1: 6, thiab lwm yam. Nws muaj lub cev muaj zog servo, yog qhov tseeb thiab muaj txiaj ntsig, ruaj khov thiab ruaj khov, thiab siv dav hauv lub teb ntawm filter element kua nplaum ratio.

  • Glue tso zis:5-40 g yog '
  • Qhov kawg cover diameter range:70-420 hli
  • Production efficiency:8pcs / min-20pcs / min (nyob ntawm cov khoom)
  • Tag nrho lub zog:5 kWm
  • Cua siab:0.6 Mpa
  • Fais fab mov:380V / 50HZ
  • Khoom hnyav:350 KGS
  • Qhov Loj:1100mm * 1100mm * 1700mm
  • Puv-auto 60 chaw nres tsheb U-hom kho qhov cub kab

    Puv-auto 60 chaw nres tsheb U-hom kho qhov cub kab

    Nws yog tsuas yog siv rau kev kho tom qab lub tshuab txhaj tshuaj txhaj pwm kua nplaum.Lub sijhawm curing ib txwm nyob hauv chav sov yog li 10 feeb (thaum cov kua nplaum nyob ntawm 35 degrees thiab nyob rau hauv siab).Cov kab ntau lawm ua tiav kho tom qab tig rau ib lub voj voog.Qhov no tuaj yeem txo cov sijhawm cov neeg ua haujlwm siv rau kev tuav thiab ua kom zoo dua qub.

  • Kev sib hloov ceev:10-15 min / kev sib hloov
  • Kub:45 degrees adjustable
  • Lub zog cua sov:15 KW
  • Cua siab:0.2-0.3Mpa
  • Tus naj npawb ntawm cov chaw nres tsheb: 60
  • Cov zis:5000pcs / ua haujlwm
  • Max qhov siab:350 hli
  • Khoom hnyav:620 KGS